b vitamins

Vitamin B6

The B Vitamins are your Brain Vitamins. Vitamin B6 is essential for a healthy mind and body, boosting your immune systems, protecting hearts and regulating your brains happy chemicals. It helps your bodies store energy from protein and carbohydrates and aids in the formation of haemoglobin, supplying oxygen throughout your body. Having good levels of …

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Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 (Folate / Folic Acid) is essential for a happy, enthusiastic and youthful zest in life. Important in cell development and growth, particularly in the rapid cell development in infants and pregnancy, Vitamin B9 is also an essential key to a youthful body and mind. In its natural form Vitamin B9 is a water …

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Vitamin B12

Youth is a state of mind as well as body, stay young with Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the brain and nervous system functioning and also in blood cell and DNA formation. It is essential in releasing energy from the food we eat and sufficient levels of Vitamin B12 in your …

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